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Warm, Caring, and Child-Friendly - Dentists For Kids in Cary, NC

Special Needs Pediatric Dentistry in Cary

FAQs About Special Needs Dental Care: What Parents Should Know

The development of children’s teeth is a fascinating process that begins before birth and continues into adolescence. Understanding this process can help parents and caregivers ensure that children maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout their lives. Let’s take a look at how children’s teeth develop — and also explore some common dental issues that may affect their overall oral health…

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A Parent’s Guide to Children’s Dental Health: Building Lifelong Habits

The development of children’s teeth is a fascinating process that begins before birth and continues into adolescence. Understanding this process can help parents and caregivers ensure that children maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout their lives. Let’s take a look at how children’s teeth develop — and also explore some common dental issues that may affect their overall oral health…

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Baby teeth

Understanding the Development of Children’s Teeth

The development of children’s teeth is a fascinating process that begins before birth and continues into adolescence. Understanding this process can help parents and caregivers ensure that children maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout their lives. Let’s take a look at how children’s teeth develop — and also explore some common dental issues that may affect their overall oral health…

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Young Boy sucking thumb

Breaking the Habit: The Impact of Thumb Sucking on Your Child’s Smile

Thumb-sucking is a common childhood habit that many parents find endearing in their little ones. However, what may seem harmless at first can have lasting effects on your child’s oral health and the development of their smile. In this guide, we will delve into the impact of thumb sucking on teeth, exploring the reasons behind the habit, potential dental issues, and proactive steps parents can take to guide their child toward a healthy, beautiful smile.

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Dentist showing the affects of a donut on teeth

Understanding “Sugar Bugs”: How Sugar Affects Your Child’s Teeth

Sugar – it’s found in almost everything we eat, especially in treats and beverages that kids love. While sugar can make food taste delicious, it can also lead to dental problems for your child. At Preston Corners Pediatric Dentistry, we understand the impact of sugar on your child’s teeth, and we’re here to help you navigate the world of “sugar bugs” and how to limit their presence in your child’s mouth.

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